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  • Photo du rédacteurFranco Débats UK

The Art of Debating

What is debating and what makes a great debate? Adeline, the Vice-President of Franco-Débats UK, explores these questions in this blog post.

"Nowadays, debates are all around us: we see competing arguments every day on social media and we hear interviews on the radio and on TV. However, we don’t always have time to take a step back and think about an issue in depth. Arguments often need to be analysed and deconstructed; issues need to be put in perspective, compared and detailed.

This is where debating societies come into play — they are an excellent way to develop public speaking skills, to learn to engage with opposing views and to build an argumentative strategy."

Read more on the website of Titanium Tutors (tutoring agency in London).

Stay tuned here to hear about the forthcoming debates for the 2019 competition!

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